Legacy: Creating a Leave or Overtime Request

Purpose: For agencies who have elected to use this option, employees must complete a 'leave/overtime request' prior to submitting their time sheet. When an employee opens their time sheet, there will be a link to the 'Create Leave/Overtime Request'. 

  • Employees may create, save or submit requests for the current pay period and 25 future pay periods.
  • Multiple leave requests (within the same pay period) can be entered on the same request.
  • Leave and overtime requests must be entered on separate requests.
  • When employees submit their leave/overtime requests, emails are generated and sent to the approver of their Time Entry Location (TEL).
  • For leave requests only, the time sheet cannot be submitted to the approver until approved leave requests and time sheet hours reconcile.  A time sheet and overtime request does not have to reconcile before being approved.


Creating a Leave request


To create a 'Leave Request', select the pay period from the drop-down list.



The time sheet will open with the dates of the selected pay period.



To request leave, click on the 'Create Leave/Overtime Request' link from the time sheet.


 The leave request will open showing the same pay period begin and end dates as the time sheet.



Click the 'Leave Request' radio button to expand the pay period view.



The request can now be completed.

  • Select a 'Time Code' from the drop-down list.
  • Enter the 'From' and 'To' dates in the format shown or single click the date heading and select the dates from a Calendar.  Only dates from the Pay Period displayed at the top of the request may be chosen.
  • Enter the 'Start' and 'End' times or single click on the time heading and select the time from the list.
  • If the 'Time Range' includes lunch, select the appropriate button. 
  • When all the fields are complete, click Add Hrs.


All leave request hours will appear in the summary.  There is no limit to the number of leave request entries.  Leave entries may be edited (will re-open for changes) or deleted by checking the box for that line.

 Note:  When entering employee or approver comments the % symbol cannot be used.

Leave/Overtime Requests can be Saved, Submitted, Cancelled, or Printed.


Creating an Overtime request


To create an 'Overtime Request', select the pay period from the drop-down list.



The time sheet will open with the dates of the selected pay period.

To request overtime, click on the 'Create Leave/Overtime Request' link from the time sheet.



The overtime request will open showing the same pay period begin and end dates as the time sheet.



Select on the 'Overtime Request' radio button to expand the pay period view.


The request can now be completed. 

  • Enter the 'From' and 'To' dates in the format shown or single click the date heading and select the dates from a Calendar.  Only dates from the Pay Period displayed at the top of the request may be chosen.
  • Enter the 'Start' and 'End' times or single click on the time heading and select the time from the list. 
  • When all the fields are complete, click Add Hrs.  There is not a drop-down list with earnings codes, all overtime entries will be shown as 'XXX'.



 All overtime hours requested will appear in the summary with a code 'XXX'.  There is no limit to the number of entries that may be requested.  Overtime entries may be edited or deleted by checking the box for that week.

Note:  When entering employee or approver comments the % symbol cannot be used.

Leave/Overtime Requests can be Saved, Submitted, Cancelled, or Printed.


Auto-Fill Feature 


This option will not be available to agencies that use the cost accounting feature in I-Time. 

For agencies using the auto-fill feature, once a leave/overtime request is approved, the leave/overtime in the leave request is automatically populated into the employee's time sheet.  If it is a leave request, the leave code and the corresponding number of hours will be populated into the time sheet on the day the leave was approved.


Note:  If the request is for overtime, XXX will be populated into the time sheet for the approved number of hours on the approved day.  The XXX will need to be changed to an appropriate time code on the employee's time sheet.


Example of Overtime Request- Auto-fill Feature



Example of Leave Request- Auto-fill Feature



View Leave/Overtime requests


For the current or future pay period, once a 'Leave/Overtime Request' has been saved or submitted, employees will be able to view, edit or delete the request by clicking on the 'View Leave/Overtime Requests' link.  For archived timesheets, see archived/leave overtime requests



'Leave/Overtime Requests' are color-coded according to status.  An email notification is generated to the employee when the request is approved, deleted or denied by the approver.



Generated e-mails

$(document).ready(function(){ $("h1").nextUntil("h1").not( "#scomainh1" ).toggle(); $("h1").not( "#scomainh1" ).children().css("position", "relative"); $("h1").not( "#scomainh1" ).children().css("top", "-5px"); $("h1").not( "#scomainh1" ).css("line-height", "2%"); $("h1").not( "#scomainh1" ).css("border-top", "5px solid transparent"); $("h1").not( "#scomainh1" ).css("border-bottom", "5px solid transparent"); $("h1").not( "#scomainh1" ).css("border-left", "5px solid black"); $("h1").not( "#scomainh1" ).css("padding-left", "5px"); $("h1").not( "#scomainh1" ).css("margin-bottom", "40px"); $("h1").not( "#scomainh1" ).css("cursor", "pointer"); $("h1:first").not( "#scomainh1" ).removeAttr("style"); $("h1").not( "#scomainh1" ).children().click(function(){ $(this).parent().nextUntil("h1").not( "#scomainh1" ).toggle(); }); $("h1").not( "#scomainh1" ).children().hover(function(){ $(this).toggleClass('Marigold'); }); });


E-mail to the supervisor when an employee submits their time sheet and the 'Leave/Overtime' request has not been approved:

Action on Leave/Overtime request for DAFFY R DUCK
(03/21/2010 - 04/03/2010) needs to be taken immediately. Thank you.



E-mail to the CPO (there are no approvers in the TEL) when an employee submits their time sheet and the 'Leave/Overtime' request has not been approved:

A Leave/Overtime Request for DAFFY R DUCK has been submitted for payperiod
10008 ending 04/03/2010. There are no approvers in TEL so leave request is
awaiting your approval.

VAC 04/02/2010-04/02/2010 7:00 AM - 4:00 PM LUNCH=1



E-mail to the supervisor when an employee deletes their 'Leave/Overtime' request:

A Leave/Overtime Request for DAFFY R DUCK has been deleted for pay period
09007 ending 03/21/2009.

XXX 03/09/2009-03/09/2009 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM



E-mail to an employee when the supervisor approves their 'Leave/Overtime' request:

A Leave/Overtime Request for DAFFY R DUCK has been approved by HUEY
DUCK-194 for payperiod 09007 ending 03/21/2009.

SIC 03/16/2009-03/16/2009 7:00 AM - 4:00 PM LUNCH=1



E-mail to an employee when the supervisor denies their 'Leave/Overtime' request:

A Leave/Overtime Request for DAFFY R DUCK has been denied for payperiod
09007 ending 03/21/2009.

VAC 03/09/2009-03/09/2009 7:00 AM - 4:00 PM LUNCH=1​